Hi, I am Salik
Software Engineer specializing in Frontend along with full-stack capabilities
An enthusiastic and passionate coder with an eye for detail and a focus to produce quality work. Can wear multiple hats and be tech agnostic, focused on delivering and solving problems using any tech instead of romanticizing selective tech stacks.

My Experience
Software Development Engineer II
Mumbai, India
- Developing an intelligent scheduling platform for high schools in the US with sophisticated drag-and-drop interface, enabling intuitive course and section management for administrators using React"
- Improved app performance by using React Dev Tools to treat for bottle-necks occurring in components
- Engineered a complex scheduling interface that enables administrators to visually assign teaching patterns across multiple days, handling real-time conflict validation, co-teaching assignments, and pattern completion verification while maintaining strict business logic for period selection and teacher availability
- Implemented an optimized tiling algorithm using a greedy placement strategy to visualize complex academic scheduling constraints, handling multiple days, terms, and staff availability patterns
- Sole contributor in designing and implementing a robust MongoDB transaction management solution by configuring local MongoDB replica set in Docker for consistent local and CI testing environments, integrating Motor for asynchronous MongoDB operations, and developing comprehensive unit tests to validate transaction integrity and error handling
- Added a DB level schema validation in MongoDB to ensure data integrity and prevent invalid data from being inserted
Software Development Engineer I
Mumbai, India
- Worked with one of the largest fin-tech companies in India on multiple apps (in domain on Lending and Credit) as a Front End Engineer
- Bumped Lighthouse score from 30 to 70+ for Mobile Devices by running audits consistently and incorporating feedback into code by improving initial render and first paint for a Mini App (React.js/TypeScript)
- Made complex animations in React single-handedly from scratch with no external libraries for a Credit Score Tracker Mini App for Paytm.
- Used Sentry to aggregate issues for the front-end and shipped specific fixes for different mobile platforms
- Consulted with one of the largest health-tech in Middle East to significantly improve their web portal's Lighthouse and GTMetrix score and suggested strategies to bring GTMetrix score from D to A+
Frontend Web Developer
Mumbai, India
- Delivering pixel-perfect, responsive and animation driven blockchain DApp NFT marketplace websites using React.js
- Used Framer Motion animation library for React to achieve complex animations specified by client
- Suggested and implemented to replace multiple MP4 files with minimal movement in a website with animated PNG images using Framer motion which reduced the static assets size by a significant amount
My Projects

Kanban Board Task Tracking App made using React, TypeScript and TailwindCSS. This project was made to practice Drag and Drop operations in Web Applications and was inspired by Project Management Applications like Trello, Asana and Notion.This project makes use of the react-dnd-library which aids in implementing Drag & Drop operations in React. Users can Login and add tasks and move them around in different columns with Drag and Drop. The implementation might seem simple but the code for doing to simplest operations when you are working with drag and drop, hover states becomes quite complex. In my opinion, any Front-End Developer or Full-Stack Developer should try making a project like this so they understand how Applications like Notion are made and how complex the architecture actually is. I've hence made the code open source so that developers can refer to it and see the implementation of complex drag and drop operations and take help of it.

Word Race
Typing Speed Game made using the MERN Stack in which users can Sign Up, Log in, save their scores and see the leaderboard and see user statistics like average score and number of games played. Mounting and Unmounting animations are done with the help on React-Transition-Group (Library for React Animations).I have used Express for the backend framework which makes creating REST API easier.There are 2 primary routes, one for Authorization, for User’s StatsI used JWT Token authentication system for implementing the auth part. The auth part is pretty standard which conists of simple GET and POST requests.The only significant part mentioning about the backend is the User Stats route to display average score, No. Of games played and Max Level as it required aggregation queries for the database
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